The growing popularity of affordable tummy tucks in New York is leading to more people who are more satisfied with their bodies. They are taking advantage of benefits they never imagined and getting their pre-baby bodies back. Some are even seeing bodies they never knew they had. Whether you lose a significant amount of weight or have babies, your body is sometimes distorted by extra skin.
You’ve done the work to lose weight and get the best body and you have all of this skin hanging and bunching. Not only is this embarrassing for many people, it is actually unhealthy. All of those extra folds of skin can create a perfect home for bacteria and skin irritants that perpetuate issues with rashes and skin infections.
People are getting serious about tummy tucks for their health and their own self-confidence. The results can be amazing. But you still need to be prepared for an ideal recovery process which largely depends on you. So how do you achieve this? You can read more about how other patients have done it and how you can too.
You Can Transform Your Own Experience after Tummy Tucks NYC
Be Prepared to Take Some Time Off
We have the best technology, tools, and expertise to do the job right so that you can get the job done right. But you still need to do your part and be prepared to take a break as needed. It takes about 2 weeks in most cases to be ready to go back to work.
Even after you go back to work though, you should avoid heavy lifting and other strenuous activity for about 8 weeks total. If you don’t feel ready to go back to work, take that walk around the block, or otherwise get back to your normal routine, it’s okay to wait.
Don’t Measure Yourself Until You Have Fully Recovered
Many women dream of a perfect figure immediately after they get out of surgery. They picture a thin waistline and amazing results. You will see significant differences when you get a tummy tuck. But measuring yourself too early can produce deceiving results.
You will be swollen for a few weeks. You will want to wear your compression garments, which can reduce swelling and help you to heal with less fluid buildup. However, even with the compression garments on, you should wait until you have fully healed to get realistic measurements. You should also be prepared with loose clothing that will not put too much pressure on any one area.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
Unfortunately, as you heal, it will be difficult to do basic things like bending down or standing up straight, at least for the first few days. It is not at all unusual to need extra help around the house. Ideally, you will be prepared by going shopping for groceries and other things that you need before you go in for surgery. But ask a friend or family member to help you out.
Prepare Your Recovery Area
You won’t want to spend too much time on your feet at first. In fact, you will be spending a fair amount of time in bed or in one area. So decide where you want to stay and prepare. Get your books, movies, and any other form of entertainment you plan to use ready. Fill your prescriptions and put them within reach. Don’t just go shopping. Strategize and place the things you need in a limited area.
Think Carefully about Your Entertainment
Normally, it’s great to get a good laugh. But when you are first recovering from affordable tummy tucks in New York, this may not actually be as great as you think. Things like laughing too hard can actually be painful. So skip the comedies. You don’t want anything that puts too much strain on your stomach. Give your body some time to heal.
Expect Showering to Be Hard
If you can buy a shower chair or if you already have one built in, this can be extremely helpful. This will put less stress on your body and it will allow you to take a break as needed. Instead of involving a friend or family member in this private part of your life or using a sink to wash your hair, you can maintain your own independence.
Are You Ready for Affordable Tummy Tucks in New York?
If you have flabby skin that is holding you back or even causing health problems, you have better options than ever before. You get the benefit of doctors who understand tummy tucks NYC and the best ways to minimize complications and scarring while maximizing your results. Don’t wait. Visit our website and schedule your consultation with us today.