Affordable Botox injections in NYC are famous for their wrinkle-fighting ability, but that’s not the only thing they do. According to recent studies, Botox can also be used as an alternative to prescriptions and other standard treatments for numerous medical issues such as urinary incontinence, ticks, and excessive sweating. It’s not surprising that new research has emerged suggesting Botox may also be an effective treatment for depression.
A study in the Journal of Psychiatric Research suggests that when prescriptions and other conventional treatments don’t work, Botox could produce measurable differences within six weeks after the first treatment. What have researchers done to prove or disprove this idea? In one study, 30 subjects were tested to evaluate this theory. Half were given Botox, and the other half were not. Then each subject was assessed after the testing period. Patients using Botox saw significantly greater benefits than the alternative group that used no treatment. This isn’t the only study that suggests Botox works for patients with stubborn depression, though. Another study of 74 patients was presented in December 2012 at a meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, and it demonstrated the same results, showing that once again, Botox was an effective way to help patients to relieve their depression even when other alternatives didn’t work.
Just as it would with other applications, the benefits of Botox for depression last a few months at a time. Treatment can then be repeated or replaced with prescription alternatives depending on the outcomes and your doctor. Patients who see a significant reduction in their depressive episodes or symptoms continue treatment, sometimes building on old results. If you have an adverse reaction, though, doctors can discuss other treatments with you.
How Do Affordable Botox Injections in NYC Fight Depression?
The way Botox works is not fully understood, especially when it comes to the newer applications like the fight against depression. However, researchers and physicians have a theory about the possibilities. Some like to describe it with the idea that you can
turn that frown upside down.
By controlling facial expressions and preventing so many frowns or bringing your smile up to its proper place, you can change your mood. Instead of an angry resting face, your expression will be neutral or even turn upward even when you relax, which could trick your mind into thinking of itself as happier.
The brain connects to the facial expressions you make on an everyday basis, and some studies suggest that the more you smile, the better you feel regardless of outside circumstances. Your brain looks for signals indicating what you feel and how the world affects you. You frown, your brain translates that as you being sad or upset, and then this makes you frown more creating an ongoing feedback loop. Botox makes it harder to make some of the facial expressions the brain can interpret negatively, stopping that loop in its tracks, and then it maintains these results for three to four months for most patients.
If you have considered affordable Botox injections in NYC as a treatment for depression, it is in the process of being evaluated through further clinical trials. Researchers are working to meet FDA requirements for approval, which requires both time and money. However, the future looks bright.
Are the Best Botox Injections in New York Safe for Depression?
If you are in search of the best Botox injections, you can find options when you work with physicians in New York. With the proper technique, Botox seems to have no limits for many patients. Now it’s just a question of how far you will go and how you will benefit from Botox. While Botox is still in trials for numerous applications, it looks promising. In fact, some patients report benefits that have not yet been scheduled for extensive studies. It just depends on the patient.
If you are interested in exploring the possibilities with Botox, talk to a doctor today. We can discuss the benefits in detail, why people get Botox, and we can assess potential side effects if there are any for you based on your medical history. You may be surprised at just what you get when you are working with trained professionals who specialize in Botox.