Even though liposuction incisions are often small, it’s still vital to take proper care after your procedure. Your body goes through substantial trauma with so much fat being removed. Doctors are always working on ways to reduce the stress your body goes through. You need to take it easy post-surgery, though. When a Brazilian butt lift doctor in New York injects fat back into the butt after liposuction, they use a needle instead of a knife.
If you follow your doctor’s instructions for post-op care, though, your recovery can be much more pleasant. You can expect to:
- Minimize pain following surgery
- Reduce swelling
- Speed the healing process
- Ensure long lasting benefits with a great butt
Take Time Off
One of the most important things you can do is make sure you can take time off for your recovery. Check how much vacation time you have. Then work out any budget concerns you have if you’re taking time off without pay. If you have kids or pets, also make sure their needs can be met before you schedule your surgery. You need to be able to take it easy and relax. You won’t be lifting anything too heavy for a while, and you should avoid strenuous exercise. Patients also need to stay off their butt for the first few weeks.
Wear Your Compression Garments
The idea of wearing anything tight around the treated area might seem counterintuitive, possibly even painful. It’s just the opposite. When worn as directed, compression garments reduce swelling and speed up the healing process. Many patients even report less pain. Of course, you’ll have to remove them occasionally to clean your incision and change the dressings. For the best results, though, you should wear your compression garments throughout the day and night.
Take Your Medications
Before you leave, surgeons give you prescriptions for painkillers and antibiotics. When taken as directed, painkillers can significantly improve your recovery experience. Antibiotics are essential, though. They prevent infections and unnecessary complications, helping you to avoid anything that would interfere with an ideal healing process.
Keep Moving
Once the anesthesia wears off and you feel ready, you should get moving. You won’t be ready for a 10-mile run or heavy weight lifting. You should be ready to take a walk around the block, though. This gets the blood flowing, preventing blood clots while also keeping the nutrients in your body moving.
Follow a Healthy Diet Program
Following a healthy diet immediately following surgery can help you maintain a healthy weight while you’re down. It’s about more than that. Plenty of fruits and vegetables are also packed with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These foods give your body the nutrients it needs to continue to rebuild itself and heal wounds.
Some patients feel overwhelmed talking about their recovery, or they don’t remember. It can be much easier than you think. Some of the most important steps are intuitive. You don’t have to take anybody’s word for it, though. You can see for yourself when you map out your recovery with a professional.
Easy Steps for a Great Recovery after Brazilian Butt Lifts in NYC
Before you ever talk to a doctor about Brazilian butt lifts in NYC, you’ll need to prepare yourself. A healthy diet and exercise program is the first step. You need to get to your ideal weight and maintain that weight. Your butt only maintains the same size and shape when you stay at the same weight. When you decide to move forward, you’ll then need to find a reputable surgeon who understands the procedure. A well-done Brazilian butt lift takes several hours. Once it’s over, though, your recovery is much like any other cosmetic procedure.
If you’ve considered affordable Brazilian butt lifts, always work with professionals in New York. It’s not just about being the right candidate or having the right doctor. You need to be prepared to follow through and make the right decisions when you get home. You’ll schedule regular visits with your doctor, and they can help you make adjustments as needed for the best results. When you feel ready, contact us and let us help you prepare for a better butt.